The ExtendOffice developer has released a very comprehensive add-in for MS Excel named Kutools for Excel. This handy tool includes more than 200 advanced functions that help you simplify your MS Excel tasks. The add-in is structured in groups with every group having its own functions.
You are now able to combine sheets, merge cells without losing data, paste to only visible cells or batch operations with one click in Excel. It has a pretty neat utility, Track Snap, which can take a snapshot of the current workbook at any time, a Reading Layout View which makes checking and entering data easier, and a Show Worksheets feature that toggles all hidden sheets to be visible.
Moreover, it includes features like Range Converter, which helps you process operations in ranges and cells, and Content Converter, that allows you to execute multiple conversion operations. Other Feature Groups include Editing, Formula, Security, and Filter & Statistic.
I also noticed the addition of new improvements. Most noticeable is the addition of context menu in the Navigation pane, the rename of Clear All Cells Formatting into Clear Characters Formatting and the support of hidden files and folders in the Filename List.
All in all, having numerous and well-structured features, Kutools for Excel helps MS Excel to emerge in one of the richest and complex platforms of its kind.
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